{"pageProps":{"note":{"id":10264,"site_id":57,"user_id":63,"body":"# Code Reviews Comments Convention\n\nA convention to clarify the intention of a comment in a Pull Request (PR) review using prefixes.\n\n\n\n*[Mandatory xkcd](https://xkcd.com/927/)*\n\nAlthough it is possible to express the intent in the way the comment is written, it is easier to do so with a simple prefix. Not only it requires less words but it is also easier to take a quick look at the comments and understand what is the intention/meaning of each one.\n\nMy rule of thumb is, only reviews that include `[req]` and/or `[q]` should _Reject_ the PR. In other cases just make the review a _Comment_ or _Approve_.\n\n## Prefixes\n\n**`[req]` (requested change)**\n\nReviewer *believes* something should be changed.\n\n**`[nth]` (nice to have)**\n\nReviewer suggests something better/more thorough/common pattern etc.\n\n**`[pp]` (personal preference *of the reviewer*)**\n\nThis shows own opinion on style/unification etc. Might influence the author to apply some changes, but does not provide any benefits (it's not for optimization/better interfaces etc.)\n\n**`[q]` (question)**\n\nReviewer would like to get some explanation on topic.\n\n**`[fixed]`**\n\nAuthor fixed/changed based on the comment.\n\n**`[wont-fix]`**\n\nAuthor declines the request. It should be first discussed with reviewer and explained in comment.\n\n## Credits\n\nTo whoever came up with this convention 😅\n\nIf you know let me know, so I can credit & thank them! 🙏\n\n---\n\n**Happy and safe coding** ✌️","path":"code-reviews-comments-convention","headline":"A convention to clarify the intention of a comment in a Pull Request (PR) review using prefixes.\n\nxkcd standars...","title":"Code Reviews Comments Convention","created_at":"2020-07-13T13:42:44.714Z","updated_at":"2020-07-13T21:57:05.951Z","visibility":"public","poster":"https://photos.collectednotes.com/photos/63/9be36614-4d0b-4c70-98f7-2ffab8ae783c","curated":false,"ordering":0,"collections_id":null,"url":"https://collectednotes.com/gillchristian/code-reviews-comments-convention"},"site":{"id":57,"user_id":63,"name":"Christian Gill","headline":"","about":"","host":null,"created_at":"2020-05-20T07:58:35.178Z","updated_at":"2023-09-17T17:34:17.741Z","site_path":"gillchristian","published":true,"tinyletter":"","domain":"blog.gillchristian.xyz","webhook_url":"","curated":true,"payment_platform":null,"is_premium":true,"total_notes":30},"body":"
A convention to clarify the intention of a comment in a Pull Request (PR) review using prefixes.
\n\nAlthough it is possible to express the intent in the way the comment is written, it is easier to do so with a simple prefix. Not only it requires less words but it is also easier to take a quick look at the comments and understand what is the intention/meaning of each one.
\n\nMy rule of thumb is, only reviews that include [req]
and/or [q]
should Reject the PR. In other cases just make the review a Comment or Approve.
(requested change)
Reviewer believes something should be changed.
(nice to have)
Reviewer suggests something better/more thorough/common pattern etc.
(personal preference of the reviewer)
This shows own opinion on style/unification etc. Might influence the author to apply some changes, but does not provide any benefits (it's not for optimization/better interfaces etc.)
Reviewer would like to get some explanation on topic.
Author fixed/changed based on the comment.
Author declines the request. It should be first discussed with reviewer and explained in comment.
\nTo whoever came up with this convention 😅
\n\nIf you know let me know, so I can credit & thank them! 🙏
\n\nHappy and safe coding ✌️