{"pageProps":{"note":{"id":34881,"site_id":57,"user_id":63,"body":"# Stream, Season 2\n\n![phone with twitch app](https://photos.collectednotes.com/photos/63/12d1781b-8bc8-45e1-8992-26ec7e08bde8)\n\nA few weeks ago I started to stream again after taking a break for a couple of months. I'm now on Season 2 of the stream.\n\n## Why?\n\nI started to stream in 2020. Around May, if I remember correctly.\n\nI remember back in 2015 I discovered programming streams, think it was on [livecoding.tv](https://blog.educationecosystem.com/livecoding-tv-watch-people-code-products-live/). I'd watch and think that one day I would stream myself. Took me a few years, but I did it xD\n\nTo be honest I don't even know why I decided to stream. What I do know is that as awkward as my streams are, I enjoy doing it.\n\n## Season 1\n\nSeason 1 was random. Like a TV Show that producers aren't sure if there's going to be another season or not.\n\nIt was mostly about Functional Programming and doing whatever I felt like doing. I tried out a few things that never finished like [the Fantasy Land series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA9-Ov7kkfY&list=PLEhkZhBLBv83FdvJXb3p2XMSDXLx03uw0) and [working through books](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuaP7Nn1Buw&list=PLEhkZhBLBv83fvFQ3XrM0o50UMGNGyHZW).\n\nHere are some other things I did:\n\n- Learn PureScript and build a few things with [Halogen](https://publish.obsidian.md/gillchristian/Knowledge/Halogen)\n- A [tool to generate PureScript identifiers for all the Tailwind classes](https://github.com/gillchristian/tailwind-purs).\n- Automate some of my stream setup ([gillchristian/strem](https://github.com/gillchristian/strem)). So meta!\n- Build the UI of [Listas](https://publish.obsidian.md/gillchristian/Projects/Listas) with Halogen and Tailwind.\n\nI also uploaded some of the [VODs to YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCffp5zsEcCty7DVric3QEuw), which some people found very useful. I should probably do more of that.\n\nEventually I got tired of it, I figure because I had no goal in mind. Every week would be a new random thing.\n\nAnd also, during this time I moved to a new place and have been busy with a ton of renovation projects, which make up a big chunk of my free time now. Maybe I should stream that?\n\n## Season 2\n\nTime passed by and I started to miss the stream. I felt like break was over. And so I decided to start again. Since I had quite some time to think about the stream, instead of you know, actually streaming, I realized that I need to set a goal for the stream. Or at least a theme to stick to. Something that would keep me motivated, hold me accountable, and give purpose to it.\n\nWhile Season 1 was all random and doing whatever, Season 2 is going to be about figuring out what the hack do I want with my stream.\n\nThe main thing I'm changing already is the randomness of it. For the foreseeable future I will stick to a single project at a time. At the moment it is [therssproject](https://therssproject.com/). I'm not sure what will be next. But I do want to take a more *indie hacker* approach on my side projects from now on, and that will reflect on the stream as well.\n\nI would like to grow my audience as well. The days I had the most fun on the stream where when people showed up and it wasn’t just me.\n\nOne recent thing that really got me inspired is [@ThePrimeagen](https://twitter.com/theprimeagen)'s video [Why I make Content](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FsyXTMLPBY). I hope to be able to share that passion for programming as well!\n\nSee you on [twitch.tv/gillchristian](https://www.twitch.tv/gillchristian)! \n","path":"stream-season-2","headline":"phone with twitch app\n\nA few weeks ago I started to stream again after taking a break for a couple of months. I'm now on Season...","title":"Stream, Season 2","created_at":"2022-08-22T20:59:13.408Z","updated_at":"2022-08-23T14:04:50.250Z","visibility":"public","poster":"https://photos.collectednotes.com/photos/63/12d1781b-8bc8-45e1-8992-26ec7e08bde8","curated":false,"ordering":0,"collections_id":null,"url":"https://collectednotes.com/gillchristian/stream-season-2"},"site":{"id":57,"user_id":63,"name":"Christian Gill","headline":"","about":"","host":null,"created_at":"2020-05-20T07:58:35.178Z","updated_at":"2023-09-17T17:34:17.741Z","site_path":"gillchristian","published":true,"tinyletter":"","domain":"blog.gillchristian.xyz","webhook_url":"","curated":true,"payment_platform":null,"is_premium":true,"total_notes":30},"body":"

Stream, Season 2




A few weeks ago I started to stream again after taking a break for a couple of months. I'm now on Season 2 of the stream.




I started to stream in 2020. Around May, if I remember correctly.


I remember back in 2015 I discovered programming streams, think it was on livecoding.tv. I'd watch and think that one day I would stream myself. Took me a few years, but I did it xD


To be honest I don't even know why I decided to stream. What I do know is that as awkward as my streams are, I enjoy doing it.


Season 1


Season 1 was random. Like a TV Show that producers aren't sure if there's going to be another season or not.


It was mostly about Functional Programming and doing whatever I felt like doing. I tried out a few things that never finished like the Fantasy Land series and working through books.


Here are some other things I did:


I also uploaded some of the VODs to YouTube, which some people found very useful. I should probably do more of that.


Eventually I got tired of it, I figure because I had no goal in mind. Every week would be a new random thing.


And also, during this time I moved to a new place and have been busy with a ton of renovation projects, which make up a big chunk of my free time now. Maybe I should stream that?


Season 2


Time passed by and I started to miss the stream. I felt like break was over. And so I decided to start again. Since I had quite some time to think about the stream, instead of you know, actually streaming, I realized that I need to set a goal for the stream. Or at least a theme to stick to. Something that would keep me motivated, hold me accountable, and give purpose to it.


While Season 1 was all random and doing whatever, Season 2 is going to be about figuring out what the hack do I want with my stream.


The main thing I'm changing already is the randomness of it. For the foreseeable future I will stick to a single project at a time. At the moment it is therssproject. I'm not sure what will be next. But I do want to take a more indie hacker approach on my side projects from now on, and that will reflect on the stream as well.


I would like to grow my audience as well. The days I had the most fun on the stream where when people showed up and it wasn’t just me.


One recent thing that really got me inspired is @ThePrimeagen's video Why I make Content. I hope to be able to share that passion for programming as well!


See you on twitch.tv/gillchristian!
