Christian Gill

From to Collected Notes

Collected Notes, so hot right now

I have been publishing notes an articles on for around a year and a half already. Although it's a great platform and there's a pretty nice community around it, I always wanted to have my own thing. Something simpler, just upload my content and that's it. No likes, no feeds, no related posts from other users. So I got very excited when @esacrosa announced Collected Notes and I was able to try out the alpha version 🎉

From now on I'll writing here on Collected Notes. And cross-post to most probably.

If I'll be writing here then I should have the rest of articles and notes from here as well.

Inspired by @RiccardoOdone videos on scripting with Haskell and becase both and Collected Notes have APIs I did what anybody would do, write some code to automate the process.

xkcd #974

* Disclaimer, in my case it won't save time in the long run since it is a one time script.

The script

I won't go into detail of how the script is implemented but I do think it is worth pointing out the libraries and tools involved:

  • Stack script interpreter allows to use Haskell for scripting, even to use libraries and a particular compiler version if needed
  • optparse-applicative a command line options parsing with an applicative flavor 🌯
  • wreq for HTTP requests
  • lens, aeson & lens-aeson for manipulating JSON data. It's the first time I use lenses so no idea what I was doing 🐶
  • parsec, a parser combinator library, which I used to parse the markdown and remove the Front Matter (metadata) section

👇 The help text produced by optparse-applicative

$ ./dev-to-collected.hs --help
Script to migrate all your articles to CollectedNotes

Usage: dev-to-collected.hs --email EMAIL --token TOKEN --api-key API_KEY

Available options:
  --email EMAIL            Your CollectedNotes email
  --token TOKEN            CollectedNotes API Token
  --api-key API_KEY API Key
  -h,--help                Show this help text

dev-to-collected.hs (see on GitHub)

#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
   --resolver lts-13.27
   --package aeson
   --package sort
   --package lens-aeson
   --package wreq
   --package lens
   --package text
   --package bytestring
   --package parsec
   --package optparse-applicative

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as LazyBS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Sort
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.Wreq
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
import Options.Applicative ((<**>))
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.Parsec.Text

type DevtoArticle =
  ( Text, -- title
    Text, -- published
    Text, -- cover_image
    Text, -- url
    Text -- body

eitherToMaybe :: Either e a -> Maybe a
eitherToMaybe (Right a) = Just a
eitherToMaybe _ = Nothing

stripMeta :: Parser Text
stripMeta = do
  _ <- spaces
  _ <- string "--"
  _ <- spaces
  _ <- manyTill anyChar $ try $ string "---"
  _ <- spaces
  Text.pack <$> many anyChar

devtoToCollected :: DevtoArticle -> Either ParseError (Text, Text)
devtoToCollected (title, _, cover_image, url, body_markdown) =
  makeArticle <$> parse stripMeta "" body_markdown
    makeArticle body =
      ( title,
          [ "# " <> title <> "\n",
            "*Originally posted on [](" <> url <> ")*.\n",
            "![" <> title <> "](" <> cover_image <> ")\n",

extract :: Response LazyBS.ByteString -> [DevtoArticle]
extract r =
  let Fold article =
        (,,,,) <$> Fold (key "title" . _String)
          <*> Fold (key "published_at" . _String)
          <*> Fold (key "cover_image" . _String)
          <*> Fold (key "url" . _String)
          <*> Fold (key "body_markdown" . _String)
   in r ^.. responseBody . values . article

snd5 :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> b
snd5 (_, b, _, _, _) = b

processPosts :: Response LazyBS.ByteString -> [(Text, Text)]
processPosts = mapMaybe eitherToMaybe . fmap devtoToCollected . sortOn snd5 . extract

getDevtoArticles :: Config -> IO (Response LazyBS.ByteString)
getDevtoArticles Config {..} =
  getWith reqConfg url
    -- curl -H "api-key: API_KEY"
    url = ""
    reqConfg = defaults & header "api-key" .~ [devtoApiKey]

postCollectedArticle :: Config -> (Text, Text) -> IO ()
postCollectedArticle Config {..} (title, postBody) = do
  putStrLn $ Text.unpack $ "Posting: " <> title
  r <- postWith reqConfg url body
  putStrLn $ Text.unpack $ successMsg r
    -- curl -H "Authorization: your-secret-token" \
    -- -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -- -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -- \
    -- -d '{"note": {"body": "# My new note title\nThis is the body", "visibility": "private"}}'
    reqConfg =
        & header "Authorization" .~ [email <> " " <> collectednotesToken]
        & header "Content-Type" .~ ["application/json"]
        & header "Accept" .~ ["application/json"]
    url = ""
    body = object ["note" .= object ["body" .= postBody, "visibility" .= ("private" :: Text)]]
    successMsg r =
      "✓ Note created: ("
        <> fromMaybe "<no response body>" (r ^? responseBody . key "url" . _String)
        <> ")\n"

data Config = Config
  { email :: BS.ByteString,
    collectednotesToken :: BS.ByteString,
    devtoApiKey :: BS.ByteString
  deriving (Show)

configP :: Opt.Parser Config
configP =
    <$> Opt.strOption
      ( Opt.long "email"
          <> Opt.metavar "EMAIL"
          <> "Your CollectedNotes email"
    <*> Opt.strOption
      ( Opt.long "token"
          <> Opt.metavar "TOKEN"
          <> "CollectedNotes API Token"
    <*> Opt.strOption
      ( Opt.long "api-key"
          <> Opt.metavar "API_KEY"
          <> " API Key"

opts :: Opt.ParserInfo Config
opts =
    (configP <**> Opt.helper)
    ( Opt.fullDesc
        <> Opt.header "Script to migrate all your articles to CollectedNotes"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  config <- Opt.execParser opts
  r <- getDevtoArticles config
  mapM_ (postCollectedArticle config) $ processPosts r
  putStrLn "Great success!!! 🎉"

Is it an overkill? No doubt.

Did I learn new and cool stuff in the process? No doubt 🤓

Happy and safe coding! 🖖